Do adolescents know when they need help in the aftermath of war?


Miriam Schiff, Pat-Horenczyk, Ruth , Benbenishty, Rami , Brom, Danny , Baum, Naomi , and Astor, Ron Avi. 2010. “Do Adolescents Know When They Need Help In The Aftermath Of War?”. Journal Of Traumatic Stress, 23, Pp. 657-660. doi:


Abstract This study examined Israeli Arab and Jewish students' reports on needing help, a year after the Second Lebanon War and whether students' requests for support were associated with posttraumatic distress. The representative sample included 1,800 Jewish and 2,351 Arab students, grades 7?11. The questionnaires included items regarding (a) exposure to wartime events and other negative life events, (b) measures of posttraumatic stress disorder, and (c) needing help. The results showed that about 30% of the students reported needing help from any source (e.g., parents, peers) in the aftermath of the war. Arab students were more likely to report needing help than Jewish students. The students who reported needing help experienced higher levels of posttraumatic symptoms.